Thursday, January 11, 2007

Birthday Blessings

It was a good day! Tim's birthday, last luggage on the way, phone calls and connections made, prayers offered, songs sung, tears shed and pages read. I was awakened early enough to get up and read at 5 AM a passage Tim had said he would be sharing with someone at 11 AM. as I sat to be reading at the same time he was sharing and opened my Bible to the passage he had planned, there was a prayer card for Tim and Kate... on a page I had written a note last year about them giving up their jobs and going. WoW,GoD, Huh? The courier came to pick up the last crates to go, so Happy Birthday, guys! We went to church and sang Happy Birthday to Tim and passed out colorful bracelets as reminders to pray for West Africa! It was a good day here and there!

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