Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas on the HomeFront

It's been good, all around the place! And WE had the African Christmas, sort of! Hats, mats, music and stories, cards and ornaments!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Your gifts at Christmas... a collage of the fall!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

Praise God from whom all Blessings flow, and if you are reading this, then you are one of my mine. You are one of my dearest blessings and for you I am grateful. My cup is full, no, it runneth over, and in this season of thanks I am thinking of you and thankful for you and your special place in my life. Consider yourself hugged as you read and loved as you live. May goodness and mercy be all over you today as blessings spill over and cover you!

The Lord is good to all, and his tender mercies are over all His works, Psalm 145:9 says, but as one of my Bible drillers once stated that verse, "The Lord is good to all His tender mercies are all over His works!" Just a slight variation on a theme, but it spoke to me. The blessings over all, we may sometimes fail to see if we don't look up and focus on Him, but His mercies all over us get our attention and our gratitude. May we not miss any of what He pours all over us today.

"This I recall to mind, therefore I have hope. Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Thy faithfulness." Lamentations 3:21-23 ....I like that, 3...2...1, or 1...2...3, so counting forward or backward, they are there!

Happy Thanksgiving! I am counting you and you and you...........!

Friday, November 2, 2007

International Mission Board :: Home

International Mission Board :: Home

Wow, what does a mom do when she finds not one, but two of her children featured on the IMB homepage on the same day! Well, she shares it with the rest of the family and a few others who would love to see it, praises God for the blessing that it happened and that she happened to check the site and find it and that her children were serving Him is such a way to have it happen.... and then she decides to blog it???? Shall we capture the moment for continued viewing and sharing? This technology again amazes me.... And in the middle of sharing it with my brother, he delights in getting me to save it to Word on my Computer. How about that .... my kids sharing the Word in Africa, me excited to find their stories recorded in word and picture, my brother directing me to Word.... and once more God weaving all the bits of our lives together, and reminding us to seek Him in His Word and love His Word, and to share it and treasure it, the lamp unto our feet and the light unto our path.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Summer Favorites

It's About Time! I've needed to update for a long time! So here goes! Taking the time to update, or feeling free to just do it are not frequent! But a Saturday moment to do so has come! These are a few of my favorite things happening on the home front:

Africa Favorites

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Going, going, gone.... and back again!

I avidly and regularly check the blogs all the time, but I am not good at keeping mine up to date. The pre-Africa post never happened and I can't imagine why it didn't! We purchased tickets in February, got shots in April and May, planned with Dana to have her join us, got tips and instructions from Tim, prepared with Leah for her summer overseas, and saw her off on Mother's Day. We then stuffed our bags with our things and all the extras for Tim and Kate and other missionaries. We planned for possible Bible storying and and read of the culture and religion and reviewed all the prayer requests and stories from Tim and Kate's five months on the field.

Flying in from Texas, Dana joined us for our flight to Dakar via New York! Twelve hours later, including three meals, a couple of hours sleep, a movie and all the other options on the computer screens we each had to enjoy, we arrived for the family reunion in Africa. Tim and Kate and Leah stood and waited for us to report and then retrieve a missing bag and then the hugs that were waiting for all! We loaded the six of us, people and bags, into their little Lottie Moon provided Toyota truck and headed off for their village and home. Arriving in N'gor around 7 am. we visited briefly, then napped a couple of hours, shared goodies we had brought from friends and family, and then hit the streets.

We walked the rocky, narrow village streets and alleys and arrived at the home of friends for lunch. We met friends of Tim and Kate and other missionaries serving for the summer with Leah. The following day and for the next eleven days we absorbed Senegal.... the city, the villages, the islands.... the traffic, the sounds, the smells.... the goats, the chickens, the roosters... the taxis, the boats, the trucks...the food, the artisans, and sights... the missionaries, the mission and masses...the people, the places, the purpose!

We were so blessed to be a part of it all and to see up close and personally the faces and smiles and souls on the streets, on the beaches, on the busses, and to share and spend time with new friends on the floor, under the trees, on their beds or blankets, sharing the meals of ceebu jeen (fish with rice) from a common bowl, sipping ataaya (hot tea) and showing love as best we could in smiles and simple Senegalese phrases!

We observed our children as they work and live among the Lebou in their fishing villages. We heard their language and saw them interact and build relationships in order to prove trust and show love. We met missionaries and saw missions in action.

We hugged Leah and Tim and Kate good-bye as we headed home to think on these things... and we do! Sometimes I sits and think and sometimes I just sits! We are home and we are there. We are here and we are not! We are hearts apart and hearts united because we shared Senegal for a season, yes, but even better, because we are family!

What love the Father hath lavished on us to allow us to be, to live and move and have our being in Him, and to share and see so much and to have Him grant us his peace!

Enjoy the pictures I hope to post!

Friday, April 20, 2007

It's a birthday!

Happy Birthday Kate.... and Anne!

How blessed we are to have two people in our family with the same birthday! But wait, it is not the first time...My grandmother and her sister were born on the same day, a few years apart, August 23rd! And then Dana Beth got to share Jesus' birthday, December 25... of course, that's the day he was born! But wait, again we were doubly blessed, well, triple-blessed when Joyce joined our family, with another December 25th blessing-birthday! And then, Heather joined me in sharing September 6th, although Leah and I already shared the "6th"! Talk about blessings in double portions, we have them! But wait, again, I am reminded of another set of pairs, when the number of April deaths in Oklahoma City matched exactly the number of conversions that came out of a Ralph Bell/Billy Graham Crusade in Goldsboro at the same time! And then Anne shared her day with the deaths of Columbine, followed by having Grandmama's joy of her September birthday paired with 9/11/01. And way back there in the depths of my mind I think I recall an Abraham Lincoln date of death that is also my mother's April 14th birthday! Life and death, paired in life's events: two thieves on the cross, life and death; the cross itself, life and death, his for ours! Grief and celebration, joy and sorrow, unity and separtion...causing us to look both inward and outward, upward and downward, yet seeing over all and above all our sovereign Lord, the master weaver bringing everything together for our single focus on Him, His plan and purpose and glory! So we are one in Christ, with double portions of blessings, in the hands of the Trinity, on this 4-20 that along with 8-6 gives me my fourth child (whoa, I miscarried a pregnancy that was due in April!), in our family of five, now become six, with three Gardner kids and four Hortons to get a perfect 7..... OK , it is infinite and pushing the point, and I will stop as I get farther and farther from the reason for this entry.... One big Happy Birthday wish to both you girls, on two sides of the ocean! Oops, here I go again! So, Happy Birthday, and I hope you dance, girls, and celebrate today and life and your part in the family that I am glad you can call yours. Love to All!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Thursday, March 29, 2007

March...marching on!

Well, I did it again....Let another month march on without pausing to ponder what to publish. I guess it is not so much about the ponder as it is the pause! And for me, the challenge is finding the right clicks to even get to the posting point. Well, I am finally here, realizing I had better do so to get a March post on. So to all who might check to see if I updated, it's finally yes! I certainly like reading all of yours, and am afraid I am quite guilty of soaking up all you send, without sharing very much. So for the meat of this message and the point of this post,
a tale from the homefront:

So March has been madness, well, basketball, and lots of it: messes, and lots of them I am always trying to clear out ( with Richard even preaching on "Jesus in Your Messes!) ; meditating and mentioning all of you to the One who guides you and holds you in His righteous right hand;
reading from Pigs in a Taxi (African devotions) to the Patriach study in Genesis, thinking on an Africa trip and shots and preparations, planning for a West African event at church, family events in Wilson and Durham, and planning and leading the Associational Bible Drill. Leaving the Bible Drill and going to hear Anno Domini was special as we went from hearing the word spoken and shared by children to hearing it shared and sung in powerful and living testimony of college kids was awesome and a great blessing and reward.

Our God is marching on in the lives and love of his children. God bless you all, from the homefront to yours.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

It's About Time

Wow! After a fun start with the blogging thing, it has been over a month since that last entry. So yeah, those birthday crates finally made their way to their destination... some some 12 days later and actually only a week after the day we were told they would arrive. I suppose that was really good considering it was an international delivery. We have missionary friends who left 4 years ago and have never received some things they had shipped.

The luggage arrived and they moved into the house that was being readied for them, also within 12 days of when move-in was first expected. Tim says everything takes longer in a third world country, so you just wait and enjoy the experience. A good challenge and a good goal.... for all of us, third world or not!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Birthday Blessings

It was a good day! Tim's birthday, last luggage on the way, phone calls and connections made, prayers offered, songs sung, tears shed and pages read. I was awakened early enough to get up and read at 5 AM a passage Tim had said he would be sharing with someone at 11 AM. as I sat to be reading at the same time he was sharing and opened my Bible to the passage he had planned, there was a prayer card for Tim and Kate... on a page I had written a note last year about them giving up their jobs and going. WoW,GoD, Huh? The courier came to pick up the last crates to go, so Happy Birthday, guys! We went to church and sang Happy Birthday to Tim and passed out colorful bracelets as reminders to pray for West Africa! It was a good day here and there!

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Brave New World

Well, it is definitely a new world and I am being brave to tackle this blog stuff...thanks to you techni-savvy and helpful, patient, understanding kidos. It's great and fun and here we go! Love to you all in one big world made not so big with all these connections, two states at the moment, two continents, three locations, four bodies and wonderful hearts, and well... for all the twelve (at least) wonderful days of Christmas we just shared. Looking forward to our transatlantic communication and as close as the phone/skype/web connections!

My kiddos

Wednesday, January 3, 2007