Friday, July 18, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Thanks for the Mother's Day Sego Palm, Tim and Kate, from 2006! I made captions for my slide show to tell you that, but they didn't appear. I had fun following the progress as the new shoots appeared this spring. It was an amazing new crop of fronds! I followed it all the way to the Fourth and noticed that the wind sock was red, white and blue, along with the redbird. I took that picture while enjoying the swing newly decorated with Dad's coastal theme of nautical balls in the red, white, and blue, and the red, yellow and green of Senegal! In addition, we celebrated the up and coming growth of the renegade seeds from your friends! Can you identify the plant? Green thumbs... and thumbs up! Just having fun... and we hope you are! I keep forgetting to ask if your sego survived and thrived at Chez Amadie! Let me see! Love and thanks again for the gift that keeps on giving... and our prayers that you are able to do just that, in His strength when yours is gone!