Monday, February 4, 2008

Sponteneity...."nay"...ity....Or just say no!

Well, for one who usually takes no risks, plans for every contingency, and must be prepared...things have changed. Finding ourselves in Raleigh with an hour to spare before meeting Leah, we happened upon Lake Johnson and in little more than a heartbeat started walking... a trail around the lake. Of course, we talked with Leah, got her take on the length of it, heard her say do it and then took off. At first, it was let's walk ten or 15 minutes and then backtrack. Or, we'll see! Well, walk we did, and no turning back... that is until we had walked the first mile and a half( Wallace said we walk two miles in 30 minutes at home!) taking sunset pictures and greeting other hikers. When the trail seemed to split and we were out of view of the water, we questioned backtracking or going on... Considering we had supposedly trekked most of the trail, turning back seemed the wrong choice, and proceeding didn't look promising. However, insticnt said that we should proceed and take the trail to the right, which should be following the shore. Darker and darker, our cell phones provided light to read some of the few markers we spied. Uphill and down, trekkin on hearing cars, we spied I 40, not Avent Ferry where we had parked. OH well, on we go and and one hour after we started, in the darkness the bridge appeared and we crossed and made it back to the parking lot. Off to Leah's, realizing her hour in Raleigh traffic was probably wilder than our hour, with just a bit more certainty and confidence in the route! A great adventure and memory made. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! And next time I may just watch the water flow from the bridge and take in the view! Nah, I can go for sponte... nay...ity !

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